Find available tradespeople, fast

Post your job for free and available tradespeople will contact you to quote

Every trade you might need, with 88,000+ 5 ratings in the last year.
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How our service works

  • Post your job - for free

    Each month, Rated People connects over 50,000 homeowners with quality tradespeople - simply enter your job details above to get started.

  • Post your job for free. Get quotes. Read reviews.

    We'll match your job to the relevant tradespeople in your area - those interested will pay to see your contact details and call you to quote.

  • Select a tradesperson

    As each tradesperson expresses interest in quoting on your job, we'll send you their profile and ratings to help you choose the right one for you.

  • Leave a rating

    After the work is complete, return to the site and rate your tradesperson based on their quality of work, reliability and value for money.

Every trade you might need, with 88,000+ 5 ratings in the last year.